Banana Ice Cream

   Ice cream has long been one of my favorite desserts. Now that the warm weather is coming around, nothing sounds as good as creamy and sweet ice cream! Fun fact: my Aunt Lisa makes killer homemade ice cream. Looking forward to some of that 

Weekend Recap (3/28) 

What a weekend. From start to finish, Landon and I were on the go. Although it was busy, it was the beautiful kind of busy.  All weekend long, we were surrounded by family and friends. The best part: we celebrated our Savior’s resurrection on Sunday!  

Peanut Butter Krispie Protein Bars

 I really like peanut butter. Especially slightly salty, sweet peanut butter. When I made this recipe and found that it was not only salty/sweet, but slightly crunch and chewy my day went from average to exciting. If you are looking for a quick, healthy, on-the-go 

WIAW- Not Many Groceries, Breakfast and Lunch, and Birthdays!

Ever have those days when you open up the fridge, pantry, and your secret drawers (shh), to see what food you can scrounge up? Well yesterday was one of those days. It is was also lacking veggies, because of our lack of groceries. That  was 

WIAW: Carb Loving

Once upon a time there was a girl who had a misconception of carbs. She believed the lie that ‘carbs were bad,’ and ‘carbs will make you gain a zillion pounds.’  And even though she knew the difference between good carbs and empty carbs, she 

Easy Christmas Toffee

As much as I love health, nutrition, running, and all things exercise, that does not mean that I don’t enjoy Christmas cookies and treats as much as the next person. I have enjoyed my sweets this Christmas season, but am ready for a break. Before 

WIAW- Favorites

Welcome back to one of my favorite parties! The What I Ate Wednesday Part.  Thanks for hosting, Jenn! Remember What I Ate Wednesday is not about judgement or guilt, but celebrating what we all have in common.  We all eat. While we all celebrate, we