Strawberries and Cream Smoothie 

Creamy, sweet, and made in less than five minutes, this strawberries and cream smoothie is easy to make and even easier to eat! This makes the perfect snack, light breakfast, or dessert for the warm summer months. Well hello world, my day has been so 

Frozen Strawberry Pie

Full of flavor, cold, and creamy, this strawberry pie is sure to be a crowd pleaser! Just don’t tell them it’s healthy. Shhh!! One of my favorite traditions that Landon and I have are our Friday night, date-night desserts! We like rich, decadent desserts, but 

Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie 

This creamy frozen pie is perfect for the warm summer months. Peanut butter and chocolate make this pie taste decadent while the healthy ingredients keep it light and refreshing. Enjoy crust less or with a graham cracker crust.  If you know me at all, you 

Four Ingredient Banana Oat Cookies and Other Randomness 

Saturday afternoon, I was craving something sweet. I didn’t want anything too sugary, but just sweet enough to cure my craving. I looked around my house for ingredients and decided to whip up a batch of experimental cookies. I was surprisingly pleased with how they 

WIAW: Playing Catch-Up and a New Recipe Coming 

Good morning and happy Wednesday to you! This week has been flying by, but I feel like I’ve been dragging all week. I blame the weekend, I think I had too much fun. 😉  Before we dive into today’s post, thank you to Jen for 

New Recipe Coming, Running Pregnant, and the Best Brownies: Thinking out Loud (#28) 

Yeah for Thursday’s! We are almost to the weekend, it’s a run day for me and a day to share all my random thoughts with you lovely people. As usual? Thank you Amanda for hosting this party!  Let’s get started, shall we?  1. I made the 

Lightened Up Frappucino 

Oh coffee, I’m so glad to have you back in my life. Now, I’m only having a cup and not every day because of baby T, but it still feels good to have every once in a while.  I’m usually a hot coffee kind of 

Two Birthday Parties, a Rainy Run, and My First Cup of Coffee? (Weekend Recap) 

This weekend just flew by. I’m well aware that I say that about most weekends, but I’m fairly sure this one went more quickly than the others. It may have had something to do with the fact that we celebrated not one, but two birthday’s.  

WIAW: Pregnancy Hunger is a Real Thing 

It’s Wednesday: which means we are halfway through the week, it’s a run day (for me), and a WIAW!  Have no idea what’s going on? Check out the full details on Jen’s blog. Let’s get this party started!  Yesterday morning, I made myself a fried 

Banana Coffee Ice Cream 

Oh yes, this happened today. I’ve never made banana coffee ice cream, but let me tell you, it was one of my better life decisions.  Banana Coffee Ice Cream 1 Large Banana (frozen in chunks)  1/4 c. Almond milk  1 Tsp. Honey  1 Tsp. Vanilla