Bump date: Week 19

Also, please excuse the picture. I wasn’t feeling well last night and I didn’t get a picture. I think I got that nasty cold that is going around. Oh joy. Unfortunately, this picture is all I got for today.
On a brighter note, I’m pretty sure I’ve been feeling our little peanut squirming around in there. It is such an amazing feeling and makes everything feel more “real.”
Baby updates: Week 19
Baby T is the size of a large tomato, six inches long, and a half a pound. Our little one is getting so big.
Weight Gained:
Not for sure. I’m thinking about the same as last week.
So far this week, I’ve done some core and leg work. Since getting sick yesterday, I’m going to lay low today. We will see what I can get in this week. (Hopefully, I’ll feel better soon!)
Round ligament pain, increasing appetite, increasing energy level, spider veins (so fun), some leg cramps on and off, somewhat emotional, and still rocking that shoulder acne. 😉
Food Aversions:
Mainly coffee,”heavy” sweets, and spicy foods.
Food Cravings:
Mostly all the same as the past couple of weeks: fruit, veggies, hummus, cold cheese, salads, sweet potatoes, and my father in laws’ collard greens. (So good!)
Looking Forward To:
Baby showers, our next appointment, and our last vacation together as a couple before baby T comes!
(While on the topic of vacation, does anyone have a good idea of where to find a nice maternity swim suit? Comment below and let me know!)
Gender Suspicions:
I am still thinking girl…Landon is still convinced it’s a boy.
Baby/ Pregnancy Related Purchases:
Nothing this week!
Miss Anything?
Coffee and sleeping all the way through the night.
That all I have for today- let’s hangout tomorrow with another WIAW!
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.