Bump date: Week 18

Hey friends! Good news: my app had my due date off by 5 days, so I am 18 weeks today, I feel like I’ve jumped a month ahead though 😉 Almost half way folks- it is amazing how time flies by. And I know this is just the beginning.
In other news: Landon and I heard baby T’s heart beat yesterday, such a precious, precious sound. I could listen to it all day long.
Baby updates: Week 18:
Baby T is the size of a sweet potato (my favorite food!) 5.5 inches long and about 5 ounces!
Weight gained:
Still, according to my scale, about 3-5 pounds, depending on the time of day.
This past week, my runs have been really nice! A couple 5 mile runs, a couple 3 mile runs and some strength training.
Increased appetite, increased thirst level, and increased energy level. (Yeah for energy!) also have noticed some nice shoulder acne. It’s fabulous. (Insert sarcasm)
Food aversions:
Still the same: coffee, some spicy foods, and chocolate is a hit or miss…as usual.
Food cravings:
Same stuff: All.the.fruit. Any fruit. Sweet potatoes, oatmeal, big salads, anything sour, and cheese (the block kind, must be cold.) Newest craving: turkey wraps.
Looking forward to:
Baby showers!!
Gender suspicions:
Still thinking girl! Landon is thinking boy. So we see who is right 😉
Baby/ pregnancy related purchases:
Nothing this week!
Miss anything?
Coffee. Always coffee.
Let’s hangout tomorrow with a WIAW. See you then. Seize the day!