Bump date: 22 Weeks
It only took about a million pictures to finally get one I liked. Oh and yes, I have two arms- I was trying to make the dress fit me better. 😉
Shout out to Landon for being my photographer!
I can hardly believe we are at 22 weeks! Reality in sinking in and I’m feeling the urge to get everything ready for baby T.
Baby Updates:
Baby T is the size of a spaghetti squash, approximately 8 inches long and 1 pound. (Finally made it to the pounds!) Our little one is getting so big already.
Weight Gained:
Around 6-8 pounds according to my scale. Our next appointment is tomorrow, so I will know for sure then.
I am definitely feeling more pregnant. I have a harder time popping up off the floor, jumping up, and rolling over. I also have been feeling this munchkin move around about every day, which is the sweetest thing ever.
Food Cravings:
Most of the usuals, fruit, salads, hummus, peanut butter, cheese, sweet potatoes, and a new one: Cheerios.
Food Aversions:
This is big folks: hot coffee. The big part about this news is that iced coffee doesn’t sound horrible and actually at some points during the day, sounds good!? Is my love for coffee returning? I would be so happy with that.
Looking Forward to?
Our next appointment and ultrasound!
Gender suspicions?
I’m still leaning towards girl…
Any Baby / Pregnancy Related Purchases this Week?
Nada. I feel like I’m so lame when it comes to this question. I’m waiting to get most things after the baby showers.
Miss Anything?
Not anything that I can think of, at least at this moment. 😉
That’s all for today friends- let’s hang out again tomorrow!
It’s your turn to share:
1. Any pegnancy related or non pregnancy related food cravings recently?
2. Does it take you a while to get a picture you “approve?” 😉
3. Random side note question: Has anyone seen the new Jungle Book? I’ve heard it is like the original and not really worth seeing. Anyone else feel this way? Or did you like it?