Bump date: 21 weeks!

Hello warm weather, sunshine, and beach time. This week has been so good for Landon, baby T and I. I’ve also noticed that that week baby T had had a major growth spurt! I’m so happy to finally look pregnant and not just bigger than normal. 😉
Baby Updates:
Baby T is the size of a large banana! (Approximately 7 inches long and 11 ounces.) Fun fact: our little one is now tasting flavors.
Weight gained:
Haven’t weighed myself.
Since Landon and I are/were on vacation, our workouts have been a little different than normal, but we’ve been running every day expect for Sunday!
This week, I’ve noticed baby T and my whole middle section feels heavier than normal. I also feel like water is needed all the time. Other than that, baby T has been moving around quite a bit- I love that feeling!
Food aversions:
Coffee is still not sounding too good, although it has been sounding less revolting than normal.
Food cravings:
Veggies, fruit, cheese, Chipolte, and lemon water.
Looking forward to?
Landon feeling baby T kick!
Gender suspicions?
I’m still thinking girl 🙂
Any baby/ pregnancy related purchases?
Nothing this week, trying to restrain myself.
Miss Anything?
Not too much, mainly running feeling “normal.” Running pregnant in hot temperatures is quite the experience.
That’s it for today friends, Landon and I are getting ready to fly!
Comment below and share:
1. What’s your favorite vacation destination?
2. Any new cravings recently?
3. For those moms out there: did you have a strong suspicion regarding the gender of your baby?