Bump date: 20 weeks!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am half way there!? Don’t know how that happened.
Baby updates:
Baby T is about the size of a mango! Six and a half inches long and about 10 ounces.
Weight gained:
Not for sure, but I think about 5 pounds.
So far, I’ve been able to keep working out 4-6 days a week. I feel really good being able to get some endorphins. Although, this week I’ve noticed my running/ workout clothes are getting more snug.
I get so tired at night now, 8:30 comes around and I am ready for bed. Other fun symptoms: veins, acne (lovely!), and increased appetite. The best “symptom?” Feeling baby T squirm around!
Food aversions:
Coffee and spicy foods.
Food cravings:
Fruit, sweet potatoes, veggies, hummus, Crunchmaster Chips (thanks Charissa!), cheese, lentils, and Smuckers all natural peanut butter.