Bump date: 16 weeks
I can’t believe we are at week 16 already, time is flying. Here’s what’s happening this week:
Baby updates:
Week 16: Baby T is the size of an avocado! Little one is practicing facial expressions, and his or her eyes can now detect light (even though baby T’s eyelids are still shut.)
Weight gained:
According to the scale, about 3-5 pounds, depending on the time of day. (For the record: it feels like I’ve gained way more than that.)
Running has been going well overall. These past couple weeks, I’ve been running 3-5 miles about 3-4 times a week. I’ve also continued my strength training. Overall, fitting in about 6 days of exercise a week- and it feels so good.
My sleep is a lot more interrupted than the past couple weeks, increased appetite, bigger “bump” (that still doesn’t look like a bump yet, ha!), and increased thirst level (hello water.)
Food aversions:
Coffee (this is a tragedy, folks!), some spicy foods, and chocolate is a hit or miss around here…
Food cravings:
All.the.fruit. Any fruit. Sweet potatoes, oatmeal, big salads, anything sour, and cheese (the block kind, must be cold.)
Looking forward to:
Our next appointment! Can’t wait to hear this little ones’ heartbeat. Such an amazing and sweet sound.
Gender suspicions:
I’m leaning towards a girl, but because I think it’s a girl, I’m pretty sure we will have a boy. That makes sense right? 😉
Baby/ pregnancy related purchases:
This past week, I have collected a few maternity shirts (aka, bigger, flowy shirts), one pair of maternity shorts, and my wonderful husband bought a beautiful maternity dress for me.
Miss anything?
Coffee, my regular jeans, and normal hair. Other than that, I’m feeling good overall. I know in the end, all the changes and discomfort will be worth it.
That’s it for today, I’m heading out for a run soon. Make it a great day!
See you tomorrow with a WIAW (if I remember to take pictures 😉 )