Brinner, Benaiah’s Coos, and Workouts Lately (TOL #52)

Hello to you on this collld Thursday morning! It’s definitely that tempature which demands a layer or two and warm dinner. I think soup sounds like a good idea, but I’m trying to decide what kind…if you all have any ideas, comment below!
Anyways, because it’s Thursday, it’s time to jump into today’s TOL post. Confused? Click here to learn more.
And before we begin, shout out to Amanda for hosting!
- These two. Oh my heart. It’s a beautiful thing when two of your favorite people love each other.
- Benaiah is changing each and every day. Even though I’m missing that tiny newborn, this new stage, complete with smiles and cooing is so much fun. That big smile make all the long nights worth it.
Another fun thing? My favorite protein powder is 20% off for all my readers! Click on this link to claim your protein powder.
Speaking of online purchases, I made my first Stitch Fix order and I couldn’t be more excited. Someone else styling for me? Yes, please.
5. So, my workouts, are going pretty well over here! I’ve run three times (four times tonight!) and I’ve also incorporated strength training into my week as well. It’s quite humbling to start working out again after taking six weeks off. I woke up this morning, sore from yesterday’s workout and it wasn’t even that intense. I guess that’s a good thing though 😉
- Is it just me or is brinner the best thing ever? Landon and I are big fans of breakfast, but normally we have a shake or smoothie instead of normal breakfast food. Enter: brinner, problem solved. Last night, I made roasted potatoes and fried eggs complete with runny yolks, because that’s the best way to eat eggs 😉
Tuesday, my sister brough over pumpkin bread. I’m shocked that it is still around. I guess Landon and I have better self control than I realized. But really, it’s so delicious and now I’m on a pumpkin bread mission. Mission: to find a delicious pumpkin bread recipe to replace this loaf when it disappears.
And on that note, I’ll leave you for today. Hope you have a great day with whatever you are doing!
Questions of the Day
- Do you have any favorite fall soups? If so, what are they?
- Do you have a great pumpkin bread recipe? Share below and help my mission!
- What’s your favorite way to eat eggs?