Benaiah: Three Month Update

So, my baby boy is a quarter of a year old and I really don’t know how I feel about that. I’m mostly thrilled that we’ve made it this far and I’m loving every new discovery Benaiah makes. I will admit, however, that I’m missing that tiny newborn who came home with Landon and I three months ago. Where does the time go?
However, although I’m pining for time to slow down, this stage is SO much fun, and probably my favorite so far.
Benaiah’s first two months of life, were feather difficult on the sleeping front, but lately, he’s been only getting up once a night. And that makes mom really happy. 😉 He will normally fall alseep anywhere from 8-10 (sometimes as late as 11) and generally, wake up around 1-4 for a feeding. After his tummy is full, he won’t wake up until 6-7. We are still trying to establish a bedtime routine for him, but are quite happy with the progress he is making so far! Yay for more sleep. And here’s to feeling more like a human again. 🙂
I feel like in the past couple weeks, Benaiah has gotten his little self into a nice schedule. Or maybe it’s best described as pattern (?) because his napping “schedule,” is really all over the board. I can usually bank on him sleeping for an hour or so in the morning, normally anywhere from 9:30-11:00 am and a solid nap in the afternoon, again anywhere from 2-4 pm. He also will take a few, sporadic cat naps throughout the day.
This month has been a month of changes, and his eating has changed too! Previously, he generally was eating every 2 hours, pretty much all day long. Now, he’s been spacing his feedings out every 3 to (sometimes) 4 hours. I try to keep his day time feedings spaced around every three hours (although sometimes he’s eating every 1 1/2 – 2 and that’s fine!). At night, he will go anywhere from 3-5 hours between a feeding. Benaiah is a great eater; I’m thankful for his hearty appetite and chunky rolls to prove it.
I feel like this month has brought so many changes for my little boy! Gone are the days of his sleepy, barely cooing self. Instead, he awake, alert, and out-right screaming with delight at the smallest things.
He loves, mommy and daddy, bath time, eye contact, the sound of my blow dryer, laying on our area rug, diaper changes, tummy time, being held, when I make ridiculous noises, his little caterpillar, his turtle-mirror toy, and snuggling with mom.
Benaiah is not a fan of his crib (still convincing him to like it), being in one position for too long, and being too warm.
I’ve noticed this month, not only is he talking/cooing way more, but he is also developing some good hand/eye coordination. He will track a toy with his eyes and just yesterday, he tried to bat at it. Benaiah’s also giving us lots of smiles and little laughs. He’s enjoying learning how to roll over and how to control his head/neck.
I’ll be honest, a few weeks ago, I went through a pretty weepy/hormone crazy time. It’s funny how are bodies work isn’t it? Right when you think you have life together, you realize you don’t? 😉 Thankfully, the past couple weeks, I’ve felt much more balanced thanks to more sleep, Landon’s support, and spending more time with Jesus each day.
My workouts are going well and I can definitely see progress is ways that I was hoping to! Although I’m still dealing with some hip flexor issues, running is going well and I’m thankful to be getting back into it. I’m also enjoying Pilates, yoga, and body weight circuit training. Although my workouts are all over the place (last night I worked out at 8:45 pm) I fit them in when I can. As long as I prioritize my workout regime, it gets done.
Over all, this month, I’ve learned that I need give myself more grace, that I need more of Jesus, and to simply, slow down, and enjoy it all. The ups, the downs, and the in betweens.
I’m learning that motherhood is quite the refining process and I’m so excited to see how God will use this journey to make me more like Him. Yes, some days are hard when Benaiah just wants to be held all day long and I haven’t showered, and there is spit up everywhere, and the laundry is piled high. But, these are also the days where I’m savoring his sweet love and dependency on me. I know he won’t always need me, so I’m savoring and soaking in the moments when he does. I love being Benaiah’s mother and I wouldn’t trade this job for anything.
To all you moms out there: you are doing great, keep it up and “Do not grow weary in doing good.”