Benaiah: Seven Month Update

Now that we are officially past the six month mark and getting closer and closer to one year, I’m feeling all sorts of emotions. Elated. Joyous. Weepy. Excited. Just to name a few. 😉
And even though I saw this every month, I feel like this six month stage was huge for Benaiah. He’s grown into his personality more and more and I LOVE seeing glimpses of my future little boy, tucked away inside a little “baby.” Who really isn’t that much of a baby anymore…
Que the weepy feelings.
If I were to pick an area which we d made the most changes, sleep would be it! And by changes I mean, good changes. I kept putting off sleep training again and again, because I was not emotionally ready. Some mom’s sleep train really young and while that is absolutely fine, I couldn’t emotionally handle the thought of letting him CIO until just recently.
We stared, semi-spontaneously a few weeks ago and let him cry in his crib after his bed time routine. Landon checked on him every 20 minutes and he cried for an hour and five minutes before falling asleep. Needless to say, I was a hot mess, super stressed, and upset, but when he slept through the night I was encouraged! The following evening, I went to the library (I didn’t want to go through another night like Sunday night) but to our surprise and relief he cried for only 20 minutes before falling asleep. That night he only woke up once and slept until 7:30 the next morning. Fast forward to now and he is doing really well! He will now go down around 7:30 and will only cry for around 10 minutes before sleeping (almost) through the night! Sleep training was not fun, but the results have been amazing! Yay for happy babies and happy Momma’s.
So, napping isn’t going nearly as well as sleeping at night, but you know what. I am 100% okay with that (for now of course.) My biggest and our biggest desire was to get Benaiah sleeping through the night and then focus on the whole nap time thing. Also, our schedule this last month has been crazy and unpredictable, which has caused us not to get into a great nap time routine. Although he isn’t napping systematically each day, I can rely on him napping around 3 times a day, anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour a time.
Social and New Skills
This little man is b.u.s.y. He is now officially crawling (how?), learning how to stand on his own in his crib, interacting with his little group of friends, and curious about everything! I love watching his little mind work and seeing his mind and body develop. He recently discovered clocks and thinks they are very amusing and loves to flip light switches on and off. His favorite game is peek-a-boo and loves starting the game if he has a blanket near by.
He also loves baths, running with mommy, reading books, playing with his toys, cuddling with mommy, and playing with daddy.
Benaiah still loves nursing and would prefer that over any solid food. However, he has loved sweet potatoes (is he my child or what?) green beans, apples, mangoes, pears, and tolerates carrots. I love watching him try out different foods. With each passing day, he seems to be more and more interested in solids and I can’t help but feel a little sad as I begin to realize he won’t be nursing for too much longer.
How am I Doing?
Six months has been good to me guys. I feel like my old self again, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and I am feeling like my running mojo is coming back strong! Yay, yay, yay!
I’m in the middle of a busy season with blogging, taking a four month long class, and raising a little one! Life is full, but so good. I’ve seen God’s grace over and over again and I’m so blessed to be Benaiah’s mommy. Yes, life is busy. Yes, I have a few more lines and bags under my eyes. Yes, I’m sleep deprived. But, that’s the beautiful thing about this thing called life; it’s messy, chaotic, but somehow, it’s glorious.
Questions of the Day
- What something new that’s happening with you?
- What was your workout like today?
- Does anyone else have a little one who likes sweet potatoes?