Beginnings – The Journey Begins

I have finally decided to do it.  I’ve taken the next step, I’ve plunged forward.  Here is to the first of my many posts.  I won’t tire you with all the details about myself, (that will be for the about me page), instead, I want to give you an idea of what I hope this blog will be filled with.

First, I want to inspire people.  I want to create a beautiful spot on the corner of the internet,  where people can come, read, and be inspired.  They will not be inspired because of me however, but because of my Savior.  I want people to meet my Savior through my talking about Him and His faithfulness, proclaiming His word, and sharing His beauty.

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Second, I hope to encourage young runners, and glean wisdom from experienced runners.  I love running.  I dream about running, find joy and excitement in it, and am eager to learn more as a runner.  I have learned so many things through my running career, and hope to learn more as I continue.  Exercising is one of my favorite hobbies, but running holds a special place in my heart.  My ultimate goal is to one day run a marathon.

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Thirdly, I am eager to share my recipes, tricks, and love of food with you all.  I do enjoy cooking, eating, and yes, sometimes even cleaning up the kitchen afterwards.  Eating is something we all do; we might as well celebrate it and inspire each other to eat better and cook prettier.  Not all recipes will be my own, and not all will be  a certain type of ‘diet.’  These are the foods I eat, enjoy, and want to share with you all.

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Cinnamon, Banana, Almond Butter Oats

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And lastly, I am looking forward to documenting bits and pieces of my exciting life.  It’s not always easy, it’s not always all fun and games, but it is complete. I belong to Christ.  I am a passionate runner.  I am loved by family and friends.  I like to make a mess in the kitchen.  And now you all will be able to watch it unfold as I do too.

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I hope you all enjoy reading, as much as I enjoy blogging.



Psalms 119:32

“I run in the paths of Your commands, for You have set my heart free.”