Another Typical Tuesday: Resting, Time with Friends, and an Easy Dinner
It’s been a little while since my day in the life of posts, so I thought I would throw one in the mix this week. I always enjoy reading these from other bloggers and I love documenting my days for my awesome readers too.
Let’s rewind to yesterday morning
Morning & Breakfast
I woke up around 6:15 to Niah crying. I quickly went to get him up and shortly afterwards, turned the coffee water on. I crave my hot, steamy cup of coffee immediately in the morning and it’s one of my favorite things right after waking up. After pouring myself a cup of coffee and feeding Niah, Landon and I spent time in the Word, while Benaiah played. His playing was more like whining – which made getting focused time reading a little more difficult.
I’ve noticed a couple more teeth poking through and I think the extra discomfort is making our usual happy boy a little fussier than normal. I made Landon his smoothie, while he got ready for work and after he left, Niah had his breakfast.
Benaiah loves peanut butter toast with a banana for breakfast- so that is what most breakfasts are. While he ate, I read to him from his kid’s Bible. He loves reading with me, especially while he is entertained with food. After breakfast/devotions (for him), I made my smoothie and downed it while he finished his last few bites of banana.
We brushed our teeth together, I picked up a few things around the house, and shortly afterwards, Benaiah went down for his morning nap. Unfortunately, his nap lasted a whopping 40 minutes, which left me scrapping my plans and back on mom mode.
Benaiah and I spent the rest of the late morning, knocking out some house work and eventually making our way to the library. Our local library has the cutest kid’s spot and Benaiah loves playing all the ‘new’ toys. He played with a few of the provided toys and met a few new friends. We left for our second adventure, about a half an hour later, and walked to a park. Niah loves the park, and although I knew we didn’t have much time to spare, I couldn’t resist giving him some time in the swing before lunch. I keep reminding myself that this beautiful weather will all too soon fade away into our typical cold and snowy winters, which means we are trying to take full advantage of all outdoor activities while we can!
I kind of forgot I ran a marathon and on the way back home, realized that half mile walk felt a whole lot longer. 😉
Once we got home, I whipped up an easy, ‘clean out the fridge salad’ for Landon and I and fed Niah and cheese quesadilla with a banana on the side. We spent the hour lunch break, chatting and catching up about our days, before Landon left for work. I feel so blessed to have Landon home for lunch each day. I know many people do not have this mid-day break and I cherish our lunch times together. Let’s keep this lunch break thing going, okay Landon?
Right after Landon left, I got to work getting Niah ready for his afternoon nap – which usually involves a diaper change, a change into comfy clothes (because who wants to nap in overalls?) and a quick nursing session. Niah fell asleep like a champ – winning! While he slept, I got to work on picking up toys, working on this blog post, and preparing dinner.
On the menu for Tuesday night dinner – easy, crust-less spinach quiche with mozeralla cheese, onions, and potatoes with gluten free, protein muffins. Simple and delicious. After waking up from his hour, afternoon nap, Niah ‘helped’ me make the muffins by stirring the batter and watching them rise in the oven. So precious.
Landon got home right around five and we enjoyed a quick dinner before Landon headed to a business meeting. My mother in law and sister in law stopped by for a quick visit and I enjoyed catching up with them, before putting Benaiah in bed.
My friend, Emily, came over later in the evening and we spent time talking about life and running, (she’s my friend whose run 15 MARATHONS so far! She’s amazing!) while Niah snoozed. I ended the night with a cup of coffee and reading, before Landon came home from his meeting.
Hope you all have a great day, thanks for stopping by the blog today!
Questions of the Day
- What was your Tuesday like?
- What was your Tuesday dinner? Anyone have a meal that eat on repeat?
- Do you like muffins or bread better?