A Peek into Our Monday: Running and Adventures with Benaiah
Most days are pretty simple around here, while still being pretty busy. I crave routine and normalcy and do feel the most productive/focused when I have a pretty streamlined routine that both Benaiah and I share each day. Not every day is the same, but having a rough idea of what most morning/afternoons/evenings look like is so helpful. Maybe it is my type A personality or the runner in me, but I love my routines and rhythms. Needless to say, we had a typical, routine Monday and I loved it.
Another thing I love?
Morning coffee. There’s literally nothing better than my first, foamy cup of coffee in the morning. Slipping out of bed and sipping on a steamy cup of coffee, while the house is still quiet and dark makes for the best mornings. After I grabbed my cup of coffee, I grabbed my Bible and spent time reading/praying before kicking off the day. I know that my days go about 15030x better when I start off the day with Jesus. Can I get an amen?! After devotions, I either will typically pack Landon’s lunch and make his breakfast or workout. Since I had enough time for both, I did a quick 15 minute strength workout and then ran to the kitchen to get Landon’s food ready. Once he was out the door, I got a few things together and grabbed a then awake Benaiah from his crib.
Most mornings, Benaiah wakes up around 7, but there have been a few mornings recently where he has been stirring around 6:30. Thankfully, he will quietly play and stay in his crib until 7-7:30, which is nice. Once Benaiah woke up, we quickly got his breakfast (a big bowl of ‘cold fruit,’ aka frozen fruit and peanut butter toast) while I finished my cup of coffee. I called my mom and then, shortly after, we were off for our morning run.
One of the main things that is hard when I can’t run for a period of time is not being able to get out of the house and run with Benaiah. Thankfully, the running has been going better and I am seeing progress. It’s really been and up and down road, so far, but right now I am able to run 3 miles, comfortably and I am staying around 12-13 miles a week, right now. We ran a quick three miles and made it back, just in time make a green smoothie for mom and to play outside before it got too hot.
Benaiah’s favorite things right now are any type of construction vehicle and dirt. Naturally, we decided to play in a big pile of dirt, using his constructions vehicles to haul dirt and logs (aka sticks) around. He played with the trucks and dirt for a solid 1 and a half, before we headed in for lunch. Lately, lunch has been some random snacks, or leftovers. Benaiah requested a smoothie, and I gladly obliged. I am all about getting those veggies in any way I can! He drank about 75% of a good sized, green smoothie #momwin.
Once we were done with lunch, Benaiah got a bath (we were covered with dirt) and shortly after, went down for his afternoon nap. Nap time is still going strong over here, which I am so thankful for. He still, will typically go down around 2 pm and sleep until 5 or so. While he slept, I got to work on dinner prep and listened to my current book, Be Obssessed or Be Average. Once dinner prep was finished, I made myself a late lunch (leftover vegan chili + a simple, green salad) and dove into this blog post and a few other work related activities.)
I usually will work for a good chunk of the afternoon on blogging, coaching, and other business related activities and then, for the last hour or so finish house work projects (laundry, vacuuming, etc.)
We spent the rest of our afternoon, once Benaiah woke up, playing with trucks, making dinner and talking to my sister in law, Hannah.
Since it was so nice out, we ate a simple dinner outside and ended the evening with a family walk! Monday = you were good.
Happy Tuesday guys! Catch you all tomorrow!
What was your Monday like?