A Long Day, a Good Run, and a New Favorite Show (WIAW 10/25)


Ever have one of those days that feels like it goes on forever? I kept finding myself yesterday wondering if this it was still Tuesday, and come to find out, it was. 😉


My forever long day began with a cup of coffee (shocking right?) and a nursing session. Benaiah is getting to the point now where he seems to be spacing his feedings out every 2.5 to 3 hours. The longer spacing between feedings enables me to get a few more things done around the house and feel a little more put together throughout the day, which I’m pretty happy about.

After feeding him, cleaning up the kitchen and bedroom, I made myself breakfast.


Another shocking meal? A protein shake. I bet you didn’t see that one coming. 😉

Honestly, after breakfast the morning was a blur. I know I fed Benaiah a couple more times, had devotions, worked on some budgeting stuff (fun, fun), worked on the blog, and caught up with my favorite bloggers, but I don’t necessarily remember the order of events…

Fast forward a couple hours from breakfast and Landon came home to an egg filled lunch.


For some reason, eggs sounded amazing yesterday, so, for lunch, I made egg in a hole and on the side, a big pan of sautéed kale + onions. Sautéed kale = amazingness.


I was hoping after lunch Benaiah would go down for a nap, but he had other plans. Instead of napping, we bounced around, “chatted,” and ate some more. Once he did sleep (i.e. 25 min) I used that time to clean out our three different closets and go through our artwork pieces.


So, I’ve been watching (binge watching?) Fixer Upper and I’m now convinced that Landon and I need to buy a disastrous home and redo the whole thing! Anyone else like this show?

Once Benaiah woke up, he ate some more and I prepared dinner, finished up cleaning the house, and ate a snack of healthy dark chocolate fudge. (Coconut oil + cocoa powder + honey. Melt together and set in fridge for one hour.)

Landon came home around 5:30, just in time for me to sneak in a run before dinner. I’ll be honest, when I looked outside, felt the cold air, and saw the drizzle of rain coming down, I really did not feel too motivated to go out and run. But, my amazing husband knows me very well and he encouraged me to go out and run. He said I would feel better when I got back and I would be happy I did.


How did I marry such a smart man? He was so right. My run felt amazing and I was happy with it, even though I only had time for a mile and a half. And if you were wondering, Landon was right. I felt 150% better.


For dinner, we had stuffed peppers, thanks to a bunch of random leftovers, this meal came together in a flash and it was good to boot. Look out for this recipe soon!

After dinner, Landon went to play frisbee and because of the weather, Benaiah and I hung out at home. While waiting for Landon to come home, I fed Benaiah, talked with him, and watched some more Fixer Upper 😉

Landon came home a little while later and we celebrated with mugs of hot cocoa before crashing in bed.

And that’s a wrap! I hope your Wednesday is packed with lots of beautiful living. Talk to you guys tomorrow!

Questions of the Day 

  1. Hot chocolate question? Do you like to drink it plain, topped with marshmallows, or topped with whipped cream? 
  2. Do you like stuffed peppers? 
  3. What was the best thing you ate yesterday?