A Cozy, Rainy Weekend

Good morning and how are you all doing on this Monday? I hope you are stopping by the blog today, feeling refreshed and ready for another week. This weekend was exactly what I needed. Relaxing, but not boring, good food and time spent together as a family. Yes, please. Aside from the dreary weather on Saturday, I could do this kind of weekend all over again. I am so thankful for a couple days of rest before heading into another busy week and I feel as though the more active Niah gets, the more my body craves some downtime during the weekends.
Instead of my normal five am wake up call, I slept in a little Saturday morning and enjoyed a few extra moments of rest. Once I heard Niah, I got up, fed him, and woke Landon up. A little while later, we learned that Landon’s soccer game was canceled, thanks to a non-stop thunderstorm. Instead of going to soccer, we spent our morning having devotions, cleaning the house, and eating breakfast together. We enjoyed our typical breakfast of a smoothie and drank hot cups of coffee on the side, while chatting about our Saturday plans and nailing down our to-do lists. Once we finished our breakfast planning session, we took time to whip up a batch of chili and eventually meandered our way to the living room to sneak a workout in.
I don’t know about you guys, but the dreary day combined with lack of sleep had my body craving sleep, rather than a hard core workout. However, I knew if I could simply start my workout, I would feel better and the endorphins would start flowing. I really wanted to run, but since I am in recovery mode (my hip flexors have been flaring up) I opted to listen to my body and workout core/glute without flaring up my hip flexors. While I worked out in the living room, Landon took Niah on a rainy run (it was raining pretty lightly at that point) and I took full advantage of the quiet house. Working out and simply being in a quiet house is quite a treat and I enjoyed every second I had to myself. Of course, when Landon and Niah came back I was more than ready to see them. Motherhood is so funny that way. I get to a certain point in the day where I feel like I really need some alone time and then once Niah is away from me (whether that is while he naps or when he is being watched by someone else) I immediately miss him. I guess it is a good thing God designed it that way, right?
We spent the rest of our afternoon working on some house projects and by five o’clock our friends came over for chili and games! Last week, my friend Kylie and I were finally able to nail something on the calendar and planned a game night on Saturday night. I’ve known Kylie since third grade and even though we’ve had seasons in our life where we haven’t seen each other as much (thanks to moves, etc.) she’s always been that kind of friend I know I can pick up with right where we left off. She’s such a gift and it was so fun seeing her and her new HUBBY on Saturday evening. We hadn’t gotten together with the newlyweds since their wedding and we had a blast eating chili and pumpkin bread and playing hours of Dutch Blitz.
Saturday night- done right.
Sunday morning was a blur of activity, which feels pretty typical around here. Most Sundays we don’t have to leave until around 10, since our church starts fairly late. However, this Sunday I was on worship team and had to be there around 8:45 for practice. After steamy cups of coffee and quick protein shakes, Landon dropped me off at practice while he and Niah spent time at my in-law’s place. Church started about two hours later, where we spent time worshiping, fellow shipping with friends, and eating the most delicious curry that I’ve had in a long time.
Normally we get home around 1 or so, but yesterday we decided to close up church by being one of the last to leave and got home around 2:30. We had just made it into the house and hadn’t even changed out of our ‘church’ clothes when our friends stopped by. They were on a bike ride and popped in to say hello. I absolutely love when friends feel comfortable doing this and my goal is to have a home where everyone feels like they have an open invitation at our place. We spent an hour or so hanging out with Nathan, Sarah, Jonathan, and Allison over coffee, tea, and hot coca. It was great to see them and Benaiah loved the extra attention. He even matched his buddy, Johnathan.
Once they headed out, we decided to take a walk to our library and pick up some cappuccinos. It felt so good to get out and move, since it was raining all day long on Saturday. I ordered an almond milk cappuccino from our favorite, local coffee shop and it was amazing. The cinnamon + cocoa powder on top was such a treat. I will be back for more.
We spent the rest of our evening together as a family, eating a leftover spaghetti squash bake, watching a movie, and snacking on some homemade granola bars, while Niah slept. Really, it was such a simple weekend, but sometimes those are the best kind, right?
I hope you all have a fantastic day and I will talk with you all tomorrow!
Questions of the Day
- What was the highlight of your weekend?
- Do you have a favorite coffee order?
- Rainy days – YES or NO?