A Christmasy Weekend (Weekend Recap 12/4)

Hey, hey friends! Happy Monday to you all. I hope your weekend was super restful and memorable.
Our weekend was one of those weekends that I didn’t want to end. I guess that’s how I feel about most weekends, but since our Saturday and Sunday was filled with a ton of Christmas activities AND a snow storm, it felt extra cozy and perfect.
Let’s rewind to Friday >>>
Friday’s highlights included a run in the sleet, which was oddly refreshing! Honestly, my running isn’t going as well as I hoped. I was hoping to be running a ton more miles than I am right now. I have to keep reminding myself that progress takes a while and even if it takes me a while to get back to my longer mileage, it’s OKAY. I don’t want to push my mileage on top of my sore hip flexor. So, for now, I will enjoy each baby run that I am privileged to be able to do.
After my run, we enjoyed lunch and the rest of the afternoon I hung out with my friends (and neighbors!) while I waited for Landon to get home.
We were pretty low of groceries, so Landon, Benaiah, and I braved the cold and went to the grocery store.
Once we got home, we made a big salad for dinner and ended the evening with a movie and protein shakes for dessert.
Saturday was TREE DAY! We made the long drive to our favorite tree spot and met up my family.
I’ve been going to this tree farm since I was probably six or so (?) and every year it’s been magical. I had such a great time introducing my two favorite people to one of my favorite places on earth.
I mean, how could you not love a place like this?
Landon, Benaiah, and I eventually found the perfect tree and my muscular husband chopped it down for me. After picking out our tree, we splurged and enjoyed some hot cocoa and a soft pretzel at the cafe. My parents also ordered these delicious mini donuts and you bet I enjoyed a few of those too.
We also bumped into some of our friends from my old church >> so fun to see you again, Hope!
After securing the tree on top of our car, we drove over to my parents to spend the evening my mom’s mother/daughter mentoring group. It was refreshing to see a bunch of my friends and we enjoyed lots of good fellowship. As usual, Benaiah stole the show and flashed his adorable smile to all the ladies.
We got home rather late and ended up accidentally sleeping in Sunday morning. We woke up right when we needed to leave for church, (fail), so instead of arriving just in time for potluck, we decided to have a little church service at home.
Thank goodness for audio sermons. Sunday morning also involved lots of coffee, house cleaning, and laundry.
In addition to waking up late, we also woke up to a fresh blanket of snow! I don’t know if you are like me, but I think if it is going to be cold, it might as well snow. The first snow storm always gets me excited and this year was no different!
Benaiah seemed to enjoy the snow too.
After having our personal devotions, a mini church service, and feeding Benaiah a couple times, we decided to decorate our tree! Benaiah was fascinated by the lights and we loved introducing him to the wonder of the season.
The rest of the day, we noshed on a huge salad (the same one from Friday!) and for dinner we enjoyed a random dinner of popcorn, grapefruit, apples, and carrots. As much as I like cooking, I enjoy not cooking on Sunday nights. We finished our evening with protein shakes for dessert (typical) and a predictable Hallmark Christmas movie.
These kinds of weekends I live for. I’m so grateful for the extra time to spend with Jesus, my two loves, family and friends!
I hope you guys have a great rest of your Monday! Let’s chat tomorrow, I’ll bring the coffee.
Questions of the Day
- What is your favorite thing you did this weekend?
- Best thing you ate recently?
- What is your favorite salad topping?