26 Weeks (and a recap from the first and second trimesters)
But, I do want to document everything before I forget. So let me fill you all in on the last 26 weeks of pregnancy…
So far, this pregnancy has been so easy. Since it has been around three years since I was last pregnant, I almost forgot all of the weird/fun/crazy experiences that happen while growing another human. I remembered Niah’s was easy and I didn’t have much morning sickness, but with this one I’ve felt so similar (even easier?) which has surprised me a lot. But, hey I will take it!
We found out we were expecting right after Christmas. I knew my period was a little late (TMI sorry) and decided to take a test. I had taken a couple tests the week before and all were negative so I was expecting to see another negative result. However, after waiting a couple minutes I saw a faint little double line and couldn’t believe it. We were so excited. Also, the night before I took the test (and one of the reasons I decided to take the test that morning) was that I had a DREAM that I was pregnant. Dreams do come true friends.
First Trimester
My biggest symptom the first trimester was fatigue. I didn’t even really realize how tired I was, but looking back I was exhausted. I felt like napping every single nap time, could barely pull myself out of bed before 7am (usually 5am is my jam) and earlier the bed time the better. Other than that, I was a little nauseated most mornings, but after a handful of cereal or dry toast, everything was better. I couldn’t allow myself to get too hungry or hot, but as long as I avoided those triggers, I felt fine (which was SUCH a relief.)
Oh, the other thing I noticed during the first trimester was my crazy emotions. I am not usually a crier, but man every.single.show I was bawling on. I remember one day watching an episode of a show that I don’t even really like that much and losing it. I was so glad no one was around to see me cry my heart out. haha.
Running throughout first trimester went well. I started (at a running level) at a higher intensity than I did with Benaiah which made me excited to see where I could take this this time around, as long as it was safe for baby and I. When I got pregnant with Benaiah, I was running right around 15 miles (maybe?) a week and definitely not in the best running shape of my life. This time around, I was running around 25+ miles a week and getting in some solid speed workouts/long runs. I was also training for a spring half marathon. After talking to my midwife and listening to my body, I kept around the same training volume, dialed back on the intensity, and went more off of effort.
During week 15, I ran my first, pregnant half marathon and came in 17 seconds under my goal time. More than the time, I was ecstatic to run a strong race, have FUN, and feel good throughout all 13.1 miles.
Overall, the first trimester had a few normal bumps in the road, but I am so, so thankful for a healthy, (relativity) easy first trimester.
Second Trimester
Technically we are not yet out of the second trimester, but almost (which is crazy!) this second trimester has felt similar to the first, fairly easy.
Thankfully, right as I entered the second trimester this morning sickness faded and my energy came back in a strong way. I finally felt enough motivation to not nap during nap times, clean the bathrooms, and get up early in the morning. It’s so nice to feel a little more like myself!
As I am nearing the end of the second trimester, I am feeling more pregnant. More achy in the evening, more ankle swelling, and more uncomfortable sleep. But, I also have had some really good moments.
Almost a month ago, I ran my second half marathon of this pregnancy (and most likely my last of this pregnancy) and man, it was such a sweet race. My mom ran the 5k and my entire family was there to cheer me across the finish line (except Landon who couldn’t be there, so sad!) It was my first ever trail race and I really enjoyed relaxing into a comfortable pace and having fun.
Ever since that half marathon, my running has been a little more unpredictable and that is okay. I’ve been running still around 4-5 times a week but each runs seem to feel a little different. I am enjoying this season of running though and love taking it simply, day by day. I can’t wait to get back out there and enjoy hard workouts/speed sessions but for now, I am relishing these sweet miles with my little nugget.
Another fun experience is movement. This one moves ALL the time. Benaiah didn’t move nearly as much as this one does and it is so fun to feel so much more movement than last time. Something that is the same – heartburn. And too much for my liking. If you all have any recommendations for how to control heartburn, that would be amazing.
And now here we are, only two more weeks to go before entering the third trimester. So wild that this little one will be here in almost three months exactly (my due date is 9/8.)
Overall, we are so, so thankful for this precious life and I feel so privileged to carry this one all 9 months.
Here’s to t-minus three months! Let’s do this thing.