My Favorite Pregnancy Finds

Hello friends! I’m coming at you a little later than usual today, since I’ve been running around like crazy all day long. Even though today has been full, it’s been the best kind of full.
So many things checked off the to-do list!
Fueled by coffee and smoothies of course. 😉
Anyways, I have so many friends that are pregnant and it is so much fun! In fact, two of my cousins are pregnant along with me. When I first got pregnant, I googled, researched, and read blog upon blog about the best things for pregnancy and baby T.
Thanks to many of my favorite bloggers, my mom and mother in law, and friends, I finally figured out and found many pregnancy favorites.
Today, I thought I would share a round up of my favorite pregnancy finds. Hopefully this will come in handy for my pregnant friends too!
Food Favorites
Sparkling Water
During pregnancy, (and anytime!) it’s important to stay hydrated. After drinking a ton of water all day long, sparkling water is/was a great way to change things up. It also seemed to quench my thirst even more than regular water. If you aren’t a sparkling water fan, fruit infused water is a great idea too!
Oyster Crackers
When my morning sickness was at its worst, oyster crackers made my world a whole lot better! I liked oyster cracker because they are small and perfect for snacking. I don’t know how many bags I ate through the first couple months. 😉
If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know my obsession throughout this pregnancy has been intense.
Reading Material/ Education
Once I got pregnant, I immediately downloaded this app and have loved my experience with it! The app gives you day by day tips, weekly updates for you and baby, and also provides a community board where moms can post questions, advice, tips, and of course, drama.
With lots of hormone crazy pregnant women sharing their opinions, drama seems to be the main feature of the community page.
In all seriousness though, I did find most community posts helpful!
The Baby Bump
Not only is this book entertaining, but it is also packed with helpful information, Q & A’s, and pictures.(Because, who doesn’t love pictures?)
Bradley Class
After talking to friends and our midwives, around the 20ish week of pregnancy, Landon and I signed up for a Bradley class. Our class was 10 weeks long (some can be as long as 12 weeks!) and 2 hours per class. The price wasn’t super cheap, but we found the information to be invaluable! Landon and I feel so much more prepared for the arrival of baby T after taking this class. I loved learning in a group atmosphere (we had two other couples with us) and our instructor was hilarious and knowledgable. Bradley focuses on equipping mother and father for a natural childbirth, but our instructor was also balanced. She gave us the benefits and risks of all the different options! I highly recommend attending a class.
For Mommy
Maternity Dress
Landon bought me this dress (doesn’t he have great taste!?) for my birthday and it is my favorite! Super comfortable and flowy- perfect for that ever growing bump!
Mama Bee Belly Butter
Itchy belly? No problem! Thanks to my sweet friend, this belly butter was/is a life saver! I try to slather on a good amount every day and so far, no stretch marks!
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
I try to be a tea lover, but I have yet to become obsessed with tea. Thankfully, red raspberry leaf tea has a light enough flavor that I enjoyed each cup I’ve had. Red raspberry leaf tea is said to help build up the uterine muscle and prepare ones body for labor. All that for drinking tea? Yes, please.
*Note, make sure to clear with your doctor before consuming!*
A Pea in the Pod Nursing Sleep Bra
I ordered this bra off Amazon today and I am super exited. I tried it on at Buy Buy Baby and it is the most comfortable bra I’ve ever tried on! Highly recommend!
My awesome friend Savannah, not only drove 10 hours up for my baby shower, but surprised me with Chacos! These shoes are super supportive, but breathable and expandable for my ever swelling feet! Thanks S! You’re the bomb.
Mizuno Wage Engimas
While we are on the topic of feet, these Mizunos have been exactly what my pregnant feet need! I love the support these shoes provide.
There are so many more things I could write about, but I’ll stop here. Time to make some dinner!
You Share
- Any pregnancy favorites?
- How’s your Wednesday been? Busy or low-key?
- Anyone a tea lover or are you a coffee person?