Bump Pictures, Free Protein, and Favorites from Around the Web (Friday Favorites 7/15)

Happy Friday! I’m so excited to get this weekend started. So far, I don’t have much planned, except for some running, a date night, and relaxing- which is perfectly fine with me.
Before we start celebrating the weekend, here are some favorites from the week!
Bump Pictures
The bump just keeps on getting bigger and bigger! I feel huge, but compared to other women in the 33rd week of pregnancy, my bump looks tiny. So, when the bump is looking especially big, I like to document it.
My smoothie yesterday morning tasted so good, that I made another for dinner. Can you say, addicted?
Surprise Packages
I’ve received not one, but two packages from my sweet friends, Savannah and Kelle this week. Guys, it’s literally made my week extra special. They are adorable! Thanks again ladies!
Free Whey Protein
So, yesterday, I wanted to purchase a single serving size of whey protein, but when I got to the store, the manager informed me that they weren’t selling any in that size. Instead, he gave me a sample scoop from their “clean and simple” brand and I walked out of the store with a cup of free whey protein. Thank you kind store owner.
Circuit Workouts
I’ve been focusing a lot on leg/core/arm strengthening exercises this week. The result? I’m feeling stronger and even noticing some more arm definition. Thank you push-ups, I knew I liked you for some reason. 😉 Running is going well to, which I am thankful! Who else loves active weeks?
Favorites from Around the Web
- Janae’s elite runner friend, Tina shares in this blog post the importance of recovery runs! Such good advice.
- Placenta encapsulation anyone? Julie gives us the scoop on her experience with saving her placenta and the benefits she’s noticed! Worth a read!
- Make ahead breakfast recipes? Courtney shares her favorites in this post!
- This reminder from Robyn. Amen and amen. She always shares such balanced truth.
- Healthy Greek Feekah Salad? Thanks Jen, I’ll take six.
- Again on Janae’s blog, her mom and sister share a little about themselves. These post had me laughing- love the funny stories!
And with that, I’m signing off for today- let’s hangout soon, okay? Have a fantastic Friday morning! Drink an extra cup of coffee for me. 😉
Questions of the Day
- What’s your Friday favorite?
- Any fun weekend plans?
- I’m heading to TGIF for dinner tonight! Any recommendations? What’s your favorite food there?